Advocacy & Pro-Bono collaborations
The inspiration to begin the company was observation of the condition of land as a result of extractive uses. Quickly realizing it could not be done effectively by any one entity we sought to collaborate with many individuals and entities. These are identified below. We have simple criteria: What can they bring to a project and what had they brought to previous projects. Inclusion in the list was more based on need and our objectives at the time.
Imus Foundation, Ribera, NM 1997 to 2006
Dr Robert Dixon, Tucson, AZ 2002 -2006
United Arab Emirates, Remote Imprinting Consulting, 2013
Republic of Mali, Remote Imprinting Consulting, 2013
ARSI, (Advanced Remote Sensing, Inc) Santa Fe, NM (remote sensing) 2016-2017
Haitian Reforestation, 2016-2019
Trout Unlimited, Santa Fe, NM. active
NM Interstate Stream Commission (ISC)& NM Office of the State Engineer (OSE) Rio Chama District (aided in rewriting of State Water Plan) 2017-2019.
Sangre de Cristo Mountain Initiative 2023