Dixon Land Imprinter Models™ & introduction
Important News: The Dixon Land Imprinter™ has just completed a finite-element-analysis through the generosity of NM SBA. Our new model is completing prototype phase now and ready for order.
The “improved“ Dixon Land Imprinter™ Model SLSHD 24/10 is available to you in part through funding by NM SBA, Los Alamos, NM and the following individuals whose countless hours, technical expertise and experience made it possible. Many Thanks to these contributors:
NM SBA, Los Alamos:
Jeffrey Michael Hall
Eric Olivas
Western Ecology plans to fabricates Dixon Land Imprinters™ in 2 Model types. Models differ by drum size, application area & weight. Selection of which DLI to use is based on site conditions: soil type, compaction range, and slope. All Imprinters can be used on level areas, HD Models may also be used on slopes for erosion control. We strongly recommend and only spec Model SLSHD 24/10 be used on slopes and non-slopes.
Our most economic choice in production now: Model SLSHD-24/10. 24 inch size drums at 10 feet long. These model should not require ballast based on most site conditions and may be used on any slope and flat areas. Weight approx when filled with water and seed.
DIMENSION: US Units/metric
LENGTH: 178.24” (14.85 FT)/452.7 cm
WIDTH: 137” (11.42 FT)/348 cm
HEIGHT: 56.72” (4.8 FT)/146.6 cm
WEIGHT: 7.750 LBS (APPROX EMPTY) 13,500 LBS (APPROX FULL) 3,515.3 kg (EMPTY) 6,123.5 kg (FULL)
WORKING WIDTH: 120” (10 FT)/304.8 cm
HEIGHT: 30” (2.5 FT)/76.2 cm
WIDTH: 24” (2 FT)/61 cm
LENGTH: 125” (10.42 FT)/317.5 cm
VOLUME: 56,965 CUBIC INCHES/ 933 liters
24 inch Slope Imprinters at 8 feet long. This model is over size (may require wide load transportation) : Model SLSHD-24/8 (Most versatile, all sites). This Model is mounted on hydraulics to provide down-pressure.
Benefits of Imprinting include: No-till, decompaction, minimum 100% stormwater infiltration increase, erosion control, seeding and revegetation, best germination rates & diversity of native emergence than other methods (UC Davis), non-chemical weed control & displacement & dust control.
May be used for wetland restoration , but not for use on established wetland areas or perennially wet areas.