Consulting and Contracting for Hazard Mitigation and Post-fire Recovery

Actively restoring Hermit’s Peak Calf Canyon, Cook’s Peak and all other post fire sites based on sound recovery science. To accomplish this we have partnered with a host of local entities. Our goals are low carbon, ecologically sensitive forestry practices, Bio Char production, re-vegetation and erosion control; ultimately a re-wilded landscape.


Contracting for:

Low ground pressure Thinning, Soil de-compaction by Dixon Land Imprinter, Erosion Control, Stump mulching and Geo-technical Hazard Mitigation, Wetland stabilization, Seeding, and Bio char production.

Cut and paste the following links to your browser to learn more about NAU Post & Pre - fire research on recovery and restoration, also more on Biochar & Mitigation methods video here:

Pew Charitable Trust article on Wildfire Resilience:

Specialized Forestry and seeding equipment for applications on any terrain. Low Ground PSI, Low decibel, and efficient. May be deployed on any slopes

Western Ecology is re-tooling and taking a different direction. Check back to see our new machinery and direction as we prepare for BioChar production.

We are seeking bid opportunities for thinning and liability biomass removal, please email us through our form submissions at SIGN UP button below or our CONTACT US page.

Ground Mulching for stump treatments, rock crushing (rock weathering) and seedbed preparation

Post thinning liability biomass , waste chips may be incorporated into the soil with a Bio Char option for increased stormwater retention by dirt mulcher.

New machinery coming

Acequia and slope stabilization: using low value timber we can construct natural flood hazard reduction structures

Our Three- step Approach

  • Step 1: Thinning (tree removal, slash removal) and erosion control

  • Step 2: BioChar production from tree removal, slash removal products

  • Step 3: One step: incorporation of quality BioChar into soils (for reestablishment of soil health and water retention) and seeding by Dixon Land Imprinter